Did you remember when I wrote the not so long ago (yes, yesterday) in my TimePass article I mentioned fatigue and the density of events? Well, it was a bit on Saturday too, because although we were a lot at the beginning of the event (of course I am not thinking of the tens of thousands of MondoCon), both the visitors and the exhibitors leaked slowly during the afternoon.

This time, Cosplay.hu staff joined Fantasy Expo and organized a joint event in a new location next to the Amai Teahouse. However, finding a Kispest Vígadó has been a problem for many, both in terms of access and finding – which definitely marked on the event. After the trip, the dissolution and the preparation take a little more time and effort from everyone, but fortunately, the landings and the photo frame are slowly but surely finished.

Surprisingly, the M2 Hungarian tv channel also visited the event, made interviews on the cosplay, and added a welcome GoPro camera. Perhaps the greatest success among the TVs was achieved by Attila Varga’s Kung-fu Panda, who also won a prize with his adorable and imaginative costume at the event.

As always, the cosplayer competition was the most anticipated stage event, and not in vain, as the cosplayers once again express themselves. And to make them even better, MadMiyo’s performance followed immediately with new make-up tricks for the big ones. And if you already have makeup, don’t forget the hairstyle too, because soon after, Paszuly took the stage to help another Wig Minutes with cosplayers.

While the stage was followed by performances, the clubs and exhibitors sparkled the building. The Trekkers once again brought their awesome Bat’leth and their Tribli carnivore, which is not constantly growing. Cosplayers of Ice and Fire were show Game of Thrones relics and a breathtakingly beautiful Daenerys Targaryen wig. In addition, the Playground also took up a lot of stuff and material samples (and yes, the Eva-foam is very tempting, and I’d love to make my Spring MondoCon plan out of that).

Meanwhile, in the event, there were various board games, field shows, and the great Star Wars fan favorite spacecraft. In addition to them, the console had the opportunity to try out old and new games, such as the new Mortal Kombat, and Just Dance race started at the event again.

Unfortunately, I could not stay through the event, so I could not take part in my own performance, which was held by three of the LDP member – I was sick and my fever got so high, I need to rest and healing myself. But soon you can meet me at the next PlayIT.