Well, yeah, the summer MondoCon was a bit autumnal, while the autumn was pleasantly summery – who understands that? In any case, October didn’t lie to itself, and it rained a bit on Sunday, but let’s not run so far yet, come the first day of fall (or summer) MondoCon, Saturday!

Slowly, I can describe in all my reports that half of our editorial staff will leave and spend two unforgettable days in the field of Hungexpo, but this is the form of the usual lectures, and we also enjoyed the company of our friends. We stayed mostly in Hall D, as most of the programs are there, but of course, we also relocated to the long-awaited big stage cosplay competition. Although it’s hard to see from the crowd at times, that’s why I tend to watch the videos even afterward, as so many beautiful costumes debut at such times that anyone who isn’t done on time can only take it upon themselves to see everything from the back row.

Hall D has been rearranged compared to the previous ones, the cosplay clubs have been pretty much crowded out and replaced by a bunch of gamer stuff that, while good-natured, also has its own time, called PlayIT. Since I knew what to look for, I visited them all along, and to my delight, the light-moving Tardis console was expanded with new accessories, and I pressed every button, pulled every ratchet, taking care not to leave the parking brake on when starting.

Unfortunately, Geek & Craft Corner (I don’t write Corner K here at the time) was only a geek, as the performances were mainly Japanese, but the craft remained thanks to Ferasha and Bandershield’s English performances – the latter as a guest jury. he did his respect in our homeland.

Of course, the biggest bang of the day is Leon Chiro, who for some reason is one of the most popular male cosplayers, plus Cathy and Hanama managed to make a fantastic video with him that will show respect and love to the fans. What’s more, Leon was similarly friendly, kind, and hugging during the signings — anyone who had only met him for even a minute was already melting.

Thanks to the great weather, everyone was finally able to enjoy the sunshine, and thanks to that, many people took walks, picnics outdoors, or just took photos, as befits a good cosplayer. The latest trend I noticed, however, is that this time the non-teen age group was also represented at the event, and they also hid in fantastic costumes – Demon took everything, of course.

Saturday was again a great con-day, which is mainly due to our friends, who always throw up the day, with whom it is good to risk together, and without whom this event would not have been possible.

Thanks to Lord Halgor for the pictures!