I was so blessed to be a part of this awesome Nerd Hunt – I was one of the Wonder Woman 😉


The Doctor is gone! The walls separating the different worlds have collapsed, and he is the only man who can save the multiverse. Help River Song research, meet wizards, superheroes, Jedi, and hobbits, come civilian, or get dressed!


Date: Saturday, July 1, 2017
Location: Budapest, you will be informed about the exact location in case of successful registration

Before the game, we divide into teams of 4 people. The task of the teams is to find more checkpoints. Each checkpoint represents a different fandom (e.g. Star Wars, Marvel, etc.). At these points, puzzles and playful tasks await you, but we will also test your knowledge of the fandom!

If you have successfully overcome all obstacles you will eventually find the Doctor and together you can save all the universes. Gathering, the announcement of results, and after-party at HammerTime Cafe after the end of the game. The winning team will receive tickets to the Autumn Mondocon courtesy of Mondo, a gift package courtesy of HammerTime Cafe, and “gems” associated with fandoms courtesy of Nerd Panic.

And Julia made an awesome video about it!