I usually share useful tips on using Instagram, but I have to admit, this is far from my favorite social media interface. Pinterest is a real love project for me, full of things that matter to me, and since it’s all an experience to use, I spend most of my time on it every day.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is one of the emerging image-sharing social media platforms today. On Pinterest, we organize our pictures (Pin) into folders (Boards). You can save your images or others ’images to your folder, so you can gather lots of inspiring ideas, recipes, descriptions of the craft product or decoration process.


Why is it useful?

Although Pinterest is primarily for branding, it is a great advantage for you to be able to bring free visitors to your website or other social media interface with a well-designed Pinterest profile.

You can run your profile very quickly. If you have enough content for it, you can make your tables in 1-2 weeks (counting a few hours of work a day), upload them with pins (pictures), and from there you can sit back and just wait for the results.

It’s not a problem if you don’t have enough pictures for this now or your products are changing, because you can keep working on your profile, so you can always ensure renewal and freshness – this also has an advantage.


That’s why I recommend using it

Using Pinterest can be key for you too if you want stable visitors and followers with a small investment of energy. It can be used specifically for sharing pictures only (however, sharing short videos is also becoming more popular today).

Plus, you don’t need stunningly beautiful photos to use, as users save your images to not only inspire them, but to find that content, that is, you, your website, and your social media interfaces.

So photos don’t have to be beautiful at all, but it’s very important to be talkative. It acts as a kind of memory hanger and encourages clicking!


Additional benefits

The great advantage of using Pinterest is that you can visit anyone’s profile – you can see the number of monthly pin views, from which you can also see what images users like.

Even a newly created account can take up to tens of thousands of views after a few weeks of active use, and it’s not just visible to your followers, but to users looking for what you’re presenting.