If an average person opened the “toolbox” of cosplayers, he would look great at the diversity or weirdness of things, but perhaps this is the magnitude of our subculture, that you can find the tool you want in every detail, or just find another in every store. , which allows you to make much more beautiful and detailed costumes. But what are the tools you may need at any time? Now we’ve put these together!

You can find Part 1 and Part 2 if you click.


We are also dealing with a very cheap tool that is also worth looking for in the promotions of the big hypermarkets. If we work with wood raw material, the pyrograph can serve us very well, because we can burn a sample into the material with it, or we can even create a sufficient recess. I usually use it for balsa wood, which gives in very quickly to the heat emitted by the pyrograph, so it’s worth working with it slowly and calculating everything. Several types of heads can be used to solve everything from embellishments to text writing or pyrography of complete images.

Soldering iron

If you want to make your costume with electronics, you should get a soldering iron. You can get a cheaper variety, called a pistol, which is a great piece to start with, but with the soldering station, it is much easier and more precise to work as the heat can be adjusted gradually, and the holder also makes it easier not to burn our surroundings.


Chisels, spatulas

These are small tools that require a lot of precision and patience, but in return, you can do a fantastic job with them, be it wool, balsa wood, epoxy resin, or plastic or oven-dried plasticine. What’s more, when using the materials mentioned above, it’s best that if you might make a small mistake, it can be fixed in a matter of seconds, and the practice will make you a much smarter cosplayer!


Yes, you read that, shit can also be a tool in a cosplayers workshop. There are everyday objects that can be of great help to us, be it an ice cream spoon, a dog comb, or just a hair ornament – feel free to look around at home, and experiment to get the shape or texture you want, which of course is always worth testing on a small test piece. And here’s the main reason for the general cosplay cups, the motto is not to throw anything away, even if it seems insignificant, because once again we may need them, for example, when testing a new kind of tool, or just the thing that is not thrown out becomes a tool!