With the Search Console, Google has effective access to all the valuable content on our website, which is a prerequisite for appearing in the search engine and reaching more users.

Search statistics let you see how often our website appears for different queries on Google. The Search Console shows you what queries our pages display, when, and what tools users use.

It helps you learn about queries from your mobile phone and desktop computer that we can use to identify our target audiences.

It helps us learn the search terms we often use, which we can use effectively for our AdWords ads.

It Shows URL errors that Google has detected during its crawl mechanism. Identifies our pages that do not appear as expected on a mobile phone, such as missing images.

Helps us identify the top clickable pages on our site in Google searches.

The Search Console also shows you which subpages we thought to be faulty that Google bots could not access.

The tool also identifies errors that prevent your site from appearing on various queries and Google’s access to search results. Plus, the Search Console lets you learn about your most effective pages and products to focus on.

In addition, the View as Google tool lets you check if Google is interpreting your website’s content correctly and providing information to help us troubleshoot crawl issues.