Stargate Cosplay Club Fourth Birthday Convention

Stargate Cosplay Club Fourth Birthday Convention

One of my first articles was about the first birthday of Stargate Cosplay Club, slowly four years ago, and I was again attending their latest event, where they voiced this fourth anniversary. In addition, I was not only present as an enthusiastic viewer or journalist...
2016 Summer MondoCon Sunday

2016 Summer MondoCon Sunday

I always mention that for me, MondoCon’s Sundays are enjoyable, with fewer people, everyone is calmer, and a bit tired, but the fact is that this Sunday was different from the rest, and most like a Saturday. The growth of the cosplay, geek, and gamer...
2016 Summer MondoCon Saturday

2016 Summer MondoCon Saturday

Ever since the MondoCon has existed, I have been waiting for the summer event to be a two-day event (although I can say the same about AnimeChristmas), and finally, my prayers have been heard, so this year I could have been preparing for a two-day event with costumes,...
2016 Spring MondoCon Sunday

2016 Spring MondoCon Sunday

Easter Sunday was not for Easter for many, but for the cosplay, though there were some who both managed creatively. Here’s the Sunday, where the sushi took over the festive lunch. We all expected the number of Sunday visitors to drop, but many more than expected...
2016 Spring MondoCon Saturday

2016 Spring MondoCon Saturday

The first really big cosplayer event of the year, Spring MondoCon, took place a little earlier than usual on the last weekend of March. Though the event and the “crash” of the event caused a lot of trouble for many, fortunately, many people were able to...