36. HungaroCon – Geek Kockaasztal és Cosplay zsűrizés
Hungary’s oldest, largest, and highest-quality Sci-fi meeting will be held again on September 24 at the Budapest Cultural Center! Literary awards ceremonies, performances, cosplay competitions, surprise guests, and all the good things you have been able to enjoy...
Geek’a’chu a Mondoconon (Őszi Mondocon Aftermovie) – Sármai videója
I was Pikachu on the Autumn Mondocon. I met many beautiful cosplayers, my fellow Pikachu, old and new friends. The day passed quickly, with this video I remember the funny moments. Thanks to all the cosplayers in the video for being in it. Zene: Oliver Heldens, Mr....
2016.07.28. ANI-MÁNIA – A 100. ADÁS!
ANI-MANIA – THE 100TH TRANSMISSION! On the evening of July 28 from 21:05 to 22:55 only on FM 87.6 Kontakt_ Radio HUNGARY’S FIRST AND ONLY Japanese subcultural program ANI-Mania celebrates its centenary broadcast with a 100-minute program! Adhering to the...