Stargate Cosplay Club Fourth Birthday Convention

Stargate Cosplay Club Fourth Birthday Convention

One of my first articles was about the first birthday of Stargate Cosplay Club, slowly four years ago, and I was again attending their latest event, where they voiced this fourth anniversary. In addition, I was not only present as an enthusiastic viewer or journalist...
2014 Fall MondoCon – Sunday

2014 Fall MondoCon – Sunday

What we all know about Sunday is less crowded than Saturday, but that does not mean that Mondocon’s second day would not be full of colorful programs and interesting costumes. This day did not start as brightly as the previous one since the Hungexpo area was...
2014 Fall MondoCon – Saturday

2014 Fall MondoCon – Saturday

In the Hungexpo area, Alien, Titan, Borg, or the Elven can peacefully sit alongside each other. For days now, however, we knew that there was no promise of good weather for the weekend, so many of them were afraid, and they were slaughtered for the sun with umbrellas....
2014 Summer MondoCon

2014 Summer MondoCon

I already knew from the news that the temperature on Saturday would be very high, but that this heat would be able to melt the glue of Miharu’s armor, well, I wouldn’t have thought that in my dream. Based on past experience, I didn’t want to come to the opening now...